Cucumber-Fennel Fizz co*cktail Recipe on Food52 (2024)

Father's Day

by: beyondcelery



6 Ratings

  • Makes 2 drinks

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Author Notes

I originally made this to be served with gin for a co*cktail party I threw for a friend's birthday. It's also great without the gin, though; the dash of apple cider vinegar gives it a tangy kick. The frozen blueberries will keep the drink colder longer, adding their sweetness gradually to the drink as they thaw. They make a nice sweet crunch to nibble when you're finished!

This can be made with either club soda or ginger ale. I prefer it with club soda, but some people prefer the drink a bit sweeter. - Syronai —beyondcelery

Test Kitchen Notes

Imagine it's 100° F with 90 percent humidity; the air is still and sodden. You are hot and sticky, and even breathing requires effort. What you need is a nice, cold drink. You whip up a batch of Cucumber Fennel Fizz. It is the perfect blend of tangy and refreshing. The cucumber is the standout flavor with a hint of fennel in the background. The lime juice and vinegar add a nicely sour edge. The fizz makes everything livelier. You feel invigorated; you can once again face the world. Thanks, Syronai, for a perfect summer cooler! - hardlikearmour —hardlikearmour

  • Test Kitchen-Approved

What You'll Need

  • 1 English cucumber
  • 1/4 ouncefresh lime juice
  • 1/2 ounceunfiltered apple cider vinegar
  • 4 ice cubes
  • 1 inch fresh fennel
  • 1 can club soda or ginger ale
  • 2 short stalks fresh fennel for garnish
  • 10 frozen blueberries
  • 3 ouncesgin (optional)
  1. Skin cucumber, cut into 4 chunks, and toss into blender.
  2. Add lime juice, apple cider vinegar, ice, and 1-inch fresh fennel. Add gin if using. Blend until smooth and foamy, about 2 minutes. Don't be tempted to add more liquid unless your cucumber is exceptionally dry and it refuses to blend. (In which case add a dash of soda.)
  3. Split the cucumber mix between two glasses, adding either club soda or ginger ale in a 1:1 ratio. Add 5 frozen blueberries to each glass. Garnish with a sprig of fresh fennel.


  • co*cktail
  • Drinks
  • Fennel
  • Vegetable
  • Vinegar
  • Gin
  • Cucumber
  • Lime Juice
  • Summer
  • Memorial Day
  • Father's Day
  • Mother's Day
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  • Your Best Poolside co*cktail

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  • beyondcelery

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13 Reviews

Melissa Y. July 14, 2023

This is one of those co*cktails that hides the alcohol too well! It immediately transported us to a wellness spa—the flavors are very clean and fresh. If you’re not used to the apple cider vinegar taste in a drink, I’d recommend halving the amount. And maybe increasing the gin for those days when you need something a little more alcohol forward :). It’s a fun, interesting and unique co*cktail!

heather September 25, 2016

For the drink itself, is it 1" of the stalk, or of the bulb that is used? I've recently acquired access to an abundance of fennel scraps, and it breaks my heart to see so much of it gone to waste!

beyondcelery September 25, 2016

I use the bulb for stronger flavor or the stalk for a lighter flavor. Use even more if you love fennel!

Jennifer July 12, 2016

Fennel stalks are hollow--encourage guests to use them as straws, at least for a few sips

beyondcelery June 20, 2011

I made this again last night and added honeydew melon. Delicious variation!

Dabblings June 17, 2011

I forgot to mention how much I loved the color! It's the perfect shade of green for a hot summer day.

beyondcelery June 17, 2011

Thanks, everyone! I'm honored with the EP! The sourness is definitely a personal taste. I've made this in a pitcher for a co*cktail party (with gin) and half my friends wanted the sweeter one and half wanted the tarter one. I like this best with gin, when I'm making the alcoholic version. It gives it a nice earthy sort of spark and pairs well with the fennel.

wssmom June 17, 2011

How did I miss this? It's going to be what's for co*cktails tonight!

Sagegreen June 17, 2011

I love your garnish. This is a drink I look forward to making. My preference would be right toward the sour side.

Dabblings June 17, 2011

I made this today. I thought the flavor combination was good but I found it to be a little to sour for my taste. I would make it again but I would try cutting out the lime juice and replacing it with lime sorbet. That way it would have a little sweetness to it and still have the lime flavor to compliment the other flavors. I bet an addition of vodka would be good in it to. I'll try it again and see how it turns out. My 3 year old loved it though. She gulped it down and asked for more.

hardlikearmour June 17, 2011

I tested these and added some lime/lemongrass simple syrup to half of the batch. Both my husband and I preferred the tarter one - it's definitely a matter of personal preference! I'm intrigued by the lime sorbet idea, and will give it a try once we have some nice hot weather in the PNW!

Dabblings June 13, 2011

I'm going to make this tonight or tomorrow. It sounds really good.

hardlikearmour May 31, 2011


Cucumber-Fennel Fizz co*cktail Recipe on Food52 (2024)


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