Qdi Training Percipio (2024)

1. Sign into (login) Percipio - Skillsoft Product Documentation

  • Log in with Percipio credentials. On the Let's get started page, enter your Percipio or corporate login name or email. Enter your password. Click Start Learning ...

  • To sign into Percipio, ELSA, or the app you must have:

2. Sign in to your Percipio, Coaching, or Skillport Account - Skillsoft

  • Sign in to continue your learning journey with Skillsoft Percipio or Skillsoft Coaching.

3. Driver Training | Enhance Your Skills for a Successful Career

4. QDI Systems: Home

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5. Log in to MyQCI - Quality Carriers

  • Driver Training · QC Advantage · Driver Portal · Electronic Log System · Quality Cares Program · Driver Recognition · Driver Safety · Driver Training. About Us.

6. Percipio | DCHR

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  • The DC Department of Human Resources Center for Learning & Development (CLD) online training is a web-based Learning Management System (LMS) that provides access to training resources. The environment is designed to help one develop and enhance professional and personal skills which embark upon the individual; the performance of employees; and the organization.

7. Skillsoft Percipio | Learning & Organization Development

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  • Skillsoft's famous eLearning library of online business videos, books/audio books, practice labs and live webinars is fully integrated into the UC Learning Center as the new Skillsoft Percipio platform, in order to provide navigation to content you want to learn through:

8. Percipio Training | HACCP Training | Food Safety Culture

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  • Percipio Training is an award-winning global supplier of compliance training. We work in partnership with our clients to create an engaging and inclusive learning experience that promotes a safe and productive workplace.

9. Learning Experience Platform – Skillsoft - Percipio

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  • Percipio, Skillsoft’s personalized, immersive, and accessible learning platform, empowers organizations to transform their workforce.

10. Percipio Frequently Asked Questions - WSU HRS

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  • 2024 Completions for Required Courses

Qdi Training Percipio (2024)


What is percipio training? ›

Percipio makes learning personalized and accessible, offering a blend of self-paced online courses, books and audio books, hands-on practice and live online bootcamps to close skill gaps.

Is Percipio the same as SkillSoft? ›

One is the parent company of the other. In short, Skillsoft created Percipio to extend its virtual training services and be able to give companies more opportunities for training their employees.

How do I get access to Percipio? ›

The URL is typically: https://sitename.percipio.com, where your sitename is your company name. Check site name validity. Enter your Percipio credentials, Login name or email and password, or your corporate network credentials.

What is soft skills percipio? ›

The AI-driven, online course platform makes skilling personalized and more accessible, enabling organizations to transform the skills of their talent across leadership, tech, and compliance, offering a mix of modes — but without the cost and complexity of managing multiple providers.

Are Percipio courses worth it? ›

Most of the courses are high value. Utilizes a good algorithm to recommend courses to you. Skillsoft is learner-focused and will give you real value from their courses, everyone should try it.

Can I get certified on Percipio? ›

Yes, Skillsoft will provide a certificate that recognizes completion of the courses that align to the Certified Business Analysis Professional(CBAP®) program.

Is Percipio free? ›

Skillsoft Percipio is a free online training library that provides access to thousands of video courses, books, audiobooks, certification tools, and practice labs.

What companies use Percipio? ›

Companies Currently Using Percipio
Company NameWebsiteRevenue (USD)
LogMeIngoto.comOver $1,000,000,000
Yapı Krediyapikredi.com.trOver $1,000,000,000
Worldlineworldline.comOver $1,000,000,000
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennesseebcbst.comFrom $500,000,000 to $999,999,999
2 more rows

Is Skillsoft worth it? ›

Overall the experience with Skillsoft has been positive. The customer support has been excellent and most of the content is helping our staff. This product has so many options to offer as it relates to training, compliance. A great LMS tool and the customer service is outstanding.

How do you complete a Percipio course? ›

You must watch at least 50% of each video in the content list for Percipio to mark the course as complete. There is no Take Test button. You must watch at least 50% of each video in the content list and meet the minimum score on the course's test via the Take Test button.

Is Percipio a learning management system? ›

Skillsoft Percipio competes with other products in the Project Collaboration, categories. It has a 0.05% market share in the Learning Management Systems category, and Skillsoft Percipio has 126 customers in 10 countries.

Does Percipio have an app? ›

The Percipio mobile app extends your learning experience to your mobile device, and supports installation on phones and tablets. Improve yourself in minutes a day — anytime, anywhere.

What does percipio mean? ›

Percipio is Latin for learn. With Percipio, you can experience multiple ways to learn - you can Watch, Read, or Listen to content, as well as Practice what you've learned using various resources available to you.

How to use percipio app? ›

You may be prompted to choose credentials. Select Use Corporate Credentials to enter your corporate user name and email or select Use Percipio Credentials to enter your Percipio user name or email. 4. Enter your credentials and select Next.

Is Percipio a SaaS? ›

Percipio is a SaaS learning experience platform. It provides for three points of integration. You can integrate at any one point or integrate at all three depending on your current learning eco-system configuration.

What does Percipio mean? ›

Percipio is Latin for learn. With Percipio, you can experience multiple ways to learn - you can Watch, Read, or Listen to content, as well as Practice what you've learned using various resources available to you.


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Author: Edwin Metz

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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.